Daniele Fabris
is a sound designer specializing in computer music production and software audio programming, combining technical and creative skills to develop immersive multimedia experiences. His work involves designing digital devices for real-time audio processing, sounds design and the development of environments for performances and sound installations. His projects explore themes and techniques related to audio spatialization, sound synthesis and human-machine interaction paradigms.

He pursued a BA and MA with highest distinction in Electroacoustic Music Composition and Multimedia Technologies from the Conservatory “A. Pedrollo” of Vicenza (IT). His formal education includes studies at the Sonology Institute of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (NL). He currently works as a music researcher, pursuing a PhD in “Arts and Culture Heritage for Innovative, Advanced, and International Practice-Based Projects”, with a doctoral thesis on “Multimodal Feedback in Phygital Spaces”.

Former member of the technical and research team at STEIM, Studio for Electro-Instrumental Music in Amsterdam (NL) and MONOM in Berlin (DE). 
He works as software developer for INTORNO LABS in Barcelona (ES) and he’s involved in various artistic collectives, including Umanesimo ArtificialeH-4 and SPAES LAB.
He received commissions from companies such as Cycling74, Centro di Ricerca Angelica and was guest composer at EMS studios in Stockholm (SE) in 2023.

Co-founder of two multimedia agency: Outer Fields and Oscilla Creations.


LEDEN is a project by Daniele Fabris, a system to explore sound as a multisensorial phenomenon, investigating themes and techniques related to algorithmic music, to create immersive performances and installations. Daniele, as a sonic artist, conceives electronic instrument design as an intrinsic part of his creative process. His approach traces back the heuristic element of real-time sonic exploration, to express the poietic act of discovering new paths of human-machine interactions. Through themes of becoming, unfolding, and interconnectedness his work invites audiences to step outside the traditional object-centric art experience and focus into a pluralistic vision based on a processual approach.